Common Gut-Related Skin Conditions

The skin and gut are intimately  connected

Are you frustrated by stubborn skin issues that just won't go away, no matter what you try? If you've exhausted all options, from skincare products to dietary changes, and still haven't found relief, it might be time to explore a different approach. The key to unlocking the mystery of your skin woes could lie in your gut health.

Skin problems are often viewed as purely cosmetic issues, but they can be indicative of underlying imbalances within the body, particularly in the gut. Research has uncovered a fascinating link between gut health and skin conditions, suggesting that addressing gut dysfunction may be the missing piece of the puzzle for many individuals struggling with persistent skin issues.

Imagine trying countless skincare products, altering your diet, and even seeking professional advice, yet still seeing no improvement in your skin. This frustrating cycle can leave you feeling defeated and hopeless. But before you give up, consider this: your skin issues may be symptoms of an underlying gut imbalance that conventional treatments fail to address.

The gut-skin axis is a complex interplay between the gut microbiome and the skin, where imbalances in gut bacteria and compromised gut barrier function can manifest as skin problems. Conditions like acne, eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis are often linked to gut dysfunction, with research suggesting that restoring gut health can lead to significant improvements in skin health and appearance.


Acne is a common skin condition that can be influenced by gut health. Studies have found that individuals with acne often have imbalances in their gut microbiome, characterized by an overgrowth of harmful bacteria and a reduction in beneficial bacteria. This dysbiosis can lead to increased inflammation, hormonal imbalances, and impaired detoxification, all of which can exacerbate acne breakouts.

Eczema and Gut Health 

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a chronic inflammatory skin condition characterized by red, itchy, and inflamed skin. Research suggests that disruptions in the gut microbiome, particularly during infancy and early childhood, may contribute to the development of eczema. Imbalances in gut bacteria can weaken the immune system and compromise the integrity of the gut lining, leading to systemic inflammation and skin flare-ups.


Rosacea is a common skin disorder characterized by facial redness, flushing, and visible blood vessels. While the exact cause of rosacea remains unclear, emerging evidence suggests that gut dysbiosis and intestinal permeability (leaky gut) may play a role in its development. Dysfunctional gut barrier function can trigger immune responses and inflammatory pathways that contribute to the onset and progression of rosacea symptoms.


Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition characterized by red, scaly patches of skin. Studies have shown that individuals with psoriasis often have alterations in their gut microbiome, with an increased abundance of certain bacterial species. These microbial imbalances can trigger immune dysregulation and systemic inflammation, exacerbating psoriatic symptoms and contributing to disease progression.

Gut Microbiome Test Now Available

Suffering from any skin condition can be frustrating, and the experience can strongly  influence one’s overall health, emotional well-being, and self-image. Achieving optimal  skin health requires a holistic approach, recognising that the skin and gut are intimately  connected. While there’s no surefire way to solve gut-related skin issues, understanding  the health of your gut microbiome is an important first step in the healing process. 

So If you've tried everything and still haven't found relief for your skin issues, it might be time to dig deeper. Functional testing, such as the Complete Microbiome Mapping Test, offers a comprehensive assessment of your gut health, identifying specific imbalances and dysfunctions that may be contributing to your skin problems.

Consider a Microbiome Mapping stool test if you're experiencing:

  • Stubborn acne breakouts that won't respond to traditional treatments

  • Chronic eczema flare-ups that seem resistant to topical remedies

  • Persistent rosacea symptoms that continue to worsen over time

  • Psoriasis patches that refuse to heal despite your best efforts

This specialised test analyzes your gut microbiome, screening for pathogenic bacteria, yeast, viruses, parasites, and other markers of gut health. By uncovering the root cause of your skin issues, we can develop targeted interventions to restore gut balance and support healthy skin from within.

Don't let stubborn skin problems dictate your life any longer.

Schedule your free 15-minute call today to learn more about how addressing gut health could be the key to finally achieving clear, radiant skin.

Book Your Free 15-Minute Call Now: CLICK HERE


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